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Diamond Rings: Diamond Engagement Rings | 18k Oval Diamonds

Discover the Dazzle of Oval Diamond Engagement Rings

Dive into the shimmering world of oval diamond engagement rings, understanding their allure and what sets them apart. Why is this article a must-read? Because here you will learn about what makes oval diamonds so special, and how they could be the perfect ring for your significant other. Whether you’re looking for tips, insights, or just to indulge in the sparkle of diamonds, this is for you.

  • Key Takeaways:
  • Know the uniqueness of the oval diamond engagement ring.
  • Learn about halo engagement and its significance.
  • Understand the allure of white gold and rose gold settings.
  • Deciphering diamond grades and what they mean for your ring.
  • How Accurate Precious Metals ensures you get the best value.

Why Are Oval Diamond Engagement Rings So Sought After?

Oval diamond engagement rings have grown in popularity over the years. Their elongated shape gives the ring a unique shimmer and shine, while also making the center diamond appear larger than round counterparts. The oval’s gentle curves and dazzling sparkle have made it a favorite choice among brides-to-be. The sparkle of an oval diamond is further enhanced when paired with a halo engagement setting, where smaller diamonds encircle the center stone, adding to its brilliance.

Oval diamonds offer a blend of the classic round diamond and the edgier marquise shape, striking a balance between tradition and modernity. Their distinctive diamond shape suits a variety of hand types, making the oval engagement ring versatile and universally flattering. When you’re shopping for an engagement ring and want to make sure it’s a timeless piece, the oval diamond engagement ring often stands out.

What Makes a Halo Engagement Special?

A halo engagement setting is where the oval diamond is surrounded by smaller diamonds, creating a halo effect. This not only enhances the diamond’s shimmer but also makes the center stone appear larger. The diamond halo can transform even a modest-sized oval-cut diamond into a stunning centerpiece. It’s a design choice that has been loved for its grandeur and the way it accentuates the central diamond.

Accurate Precious Metals offers a vast collection of halo engagement settings, ensuring that the ring is perfect for your partner. While we are not a pawn shop, our prices are competitive, often better, ensuring you get value for your money.

White Gold vs. Rose Gold: Which Should You Choose?

Both white gold and rose gold have their unique charm. 18k white gold offers a luminous shine that complements the sparkle of an oval diamond brilliantly. It’s a classic choice that has been in vogue for years. On the other hand, rose gold, with its pinkish hue, adds a romantic touch to the engagement ring, making it stand out. Your choice between the two would depend on personal preferences and the kind of look you aim for.

Accurate Precious Metals can help guide your choice, offering expert advice on what would best suit your oval diamond engagement ring.

Understanding Diamond Grades and Their Importance

Every diamond is unique, and its value is determined by the 4 Cs: Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity. Diamond grading can influence the price, shimmer, and overall appearance of your engagement ring. At Accurate Precious Metals, we ensure transparency in diamond grading, providing you with only the best.

Knowing the grade of your diamond is crucial, as it ensures you are investing in a quality piece. Especially when selecting a centerpiece for your oval diamond engagement ring, understanding grades can be the difference between an average ring and a dazzling one.

The Appeal of Marquise and Other Diamond Shapes

While oval diamonds are captivating, other shapes like marquise have their unique allure. A marquise diamond, with its pointed ends, offers an edgy look that is both elegant and bold. Similar to ovals, they can elongate the finger, but with a sharper look. Selecting a diamond shape largely depends on personal taste and the desired ring style.

Whether you lean towards the brilliance of an oval, the edginess of marquise, or the classic round diamond, Accurate Precious Metals ensures every diamond engagement ring features the best quality.

  • Remember:
  • Oval diamonds offer a perfect blend of classic and modern.
  • Halo engagements enhance the diamond’s shimmer and make it appear larger.
  • White gold offers a luminous shine, while rose gold adds a romantic touch.
  • Understanding diamond grades ensures you invest in quality.
  • Marquise and other diamond shapes have their unique charm and allure.
  • Accurate Precious Metals is your go-to destination for quality diamond engagement rings. We’re not a pawn shop but guarantee better buy prices and value.


Q: What are diamond engagement rings?

A: Diamond engagement rings are rings that are typically given as a symbol of commitment and love between two people who are planning to get married. These rings usually feature a diamond as the center stone and are often made of gold or platinum.

Q: What is an oval-cut diamond?

A: An oval-cut diamond is a type of diamond that has an elongated oval shape. It is a popular choice for engagement rings as it can create the illusion of longer, more slender fingers.

Q: What does 18k mean?

A: 18k refers to the purity of gold used in jewelry. It means that the gold is 75% pure, with the remaining 25% made up of other metals for added strength and durability.

Q: What is a diamond halo?

A: A diamond halo is a design feature that consists of smaller diamonds surrounding a larger center diamond. It can add sparkle and enhance the overall appearance of a diamond ring.

Q: What is an emerald-cut diamond?

A: An emerald-cut diamond is a rectangular-shaped diamond with cropped corners. It is known for its step-cut facets and creates a sophisticated and elegant look.

Q: What is an 18k white gold diamond ring?

A: An 18k white gold diamond ring is a ring that is made of 18k white gold and features a diamond as the center stone. The white gold provides a sleek and modern look, while the diamond adds sparkle and beauty.

Q: What is a brilliant oval-cut diamond?

A: A brilliant oval-cut diamond is an oval-shaped diamond that has been cut with multiple facets to maximize its brilliance and sparkle.

Q: What is a three-stone engagement ring?

A: A three-stone engagement ring is a ring that features three diamonds or gemstones in a row. The center stone is usually larger and flanked by two smaller stones, symbolizing the past, present, and future of a relationship.

Q: What is a princess-cut engagement ring?

A: A princess-cut engagement ring is a ring that features a square or rectangular-shaped diamond with pointed corners. It is one of the most popular diamond cuts for engagement rings.

Q: What is an eternity ring?

A: An eternity ring is a type of ring that features a continuous line of diamonds or gemstones all around the band. It is often given as a gift to symbolize everlasting love and commitment.

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